Thursday, April 22, 2010

Anything Goes

Let me first start this off by saying that I can't believe they only do musicals once every four years here. I think that is absurd.

Now, I thought Anything Goes had a lot of very positive aspects, but a lot of negative as well. First and foremost, I want to get this out there: they should never have a 30-piece band playing at the same time one person is singing without a mic. who thought that was okay? The band was phenomenal, but we come to see a musical for the singing, and when almost all of the singers are blatantly competing with the orchestra, and still being drowned out 90% of the time, there is a problem.

The singers were just lovely, and really had a presence on stage. Although they were not really musical theatre singers, they did a fabulous job of making it their own, and the result was a more classy, slightly operatic interpretation.

The costumes were great, and the chorus was very strong, which is nice to see. All the people and characters themselves were very strong, and very animated. However, I thought there were a lot of unnecessary times where all the chorus and extras would be shepherded onstage for about ten seconds (for about 2 lines), then shoved off again. This looked ridiculous, and would get the audience excited for a big number, only to be left wanting more.

Ultimately, I thought it was a meak performance with many flaws, but it involved very talented people, so those logistics didn't seem to matter much.

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